Emperor penguin, Antarctica (2014)Heron Island, Australia (2015)Iceberg Alley, Antarctica (2015)Acropora sp., Heron Island, Australia.
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Research areas...
Microalgal ecophysiology in a changing environment T
his research area involves understanding microalgal physiology, photobiology and biochemistry in response to environmental perturbations. In particular, the aim is to understand microalgal responses to warmer temperatures and CO2 at the subcellular, species and community level and link those changes with ecosystem impacts.
Phytoplankton sulfur biogeochemistry and marine microbial interactions T
his research investigates the role of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in the chemical landscape of the ocean. Specifically, we investigate the role of DMSP in cell physiology and lower trophic interactions, including how the phytoplankton through DMSP production influences bacterial communities and biogeochemistry.
Marine microalgal symbioses (host-symbiont interactions) U
tilising single cell methods such as epifluorescence confocal microscopy, microscope fluorometry and infra-red microspectroscopy, this work examines the physiological and biochemical responses that occur at the cellular scale in corals and foraminifera.