Algal ecophysiology in a changing world
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Coral host and symbiont proteome under thermal stress
P roteomics provides a direct approach for detecting changes in cellular energetics and the molecular mechanisms underlying adjustment to temperature stress. In corals, to understand the bleaching response we need to be able to attribute proteins and any changes to either the host or symbiont. The enhanced coverage available through the sequence databases today, means that we can run both symbiont and host proteins against the whole proteomes for both partners, thereby matching the most likely proteins to either host or symbiont.

I n this study, we take a shotgun approach to explore the proteome of the important reef-building coral Acropora millepora and its endosymbiotic dinoflagellate under ambient and thermally stressed conditions and investigate the significant changes in the proteome of both partners in response to thermal stress.
Conceptual diagram of coral heat treatment experiment.

Collaborators:  Dr Daniel Aagren Nielsen | Dr Matt Padula (UTS) | Dr Brook L Nunn (UW) | Prof. David Miller (JCU)
Outputs:  Petrou et al. 2021

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